New Z-Stack Firmware Significantly Improves Performance for Large Zigbee Networks

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A Zigbee mesh network relies heavily on the efficiency of its coordinator. Unlike the newer Thread protocol, where communication is more distributed, all Zigbee devices in your network communicate through a central coordinator. This makes the choice of coordinator crucial. The older Texas Instruments CC2531 model, once widely used, is no longer recommended. Instead, Zigbee coordinators based on Texas Instruments' CC2652 or CC1352 microcontrollers are now considered the gold standard. Like other smart home devices, your Zigbee coordinator's firmware can be updated to fix bugs and enhance performance. Regular updates are essential to keep your network running smoothly, especially as your network grows.


Benefits of the New Firmware Update

Recently, Koenkk, the developer behind the popular Zigbee2MQTT bridge, released a firmware update for coordinators based on the aforementioned CC2652 and CC1352 chips. This update promises to improve performance for large Zigbee networks with over 100 devices by increasing request retry attempts and expanding routing table sizes.

Step-by-Step Guide to Updating the Firmware on Your CC2652/CC1352 Zigbee Adapter

Updating your Zigbee coordinator's firmware might sound intimidating, but it's a straightforward process with the right tools. This guide will walk you through each step to ensure your update goes smoothly.

1. Identify Your Zigbee Adapter Model

Before starting the firmware update, it's essential to verify the model of your Zigbee adapter. Using the incorrect firmware can damage your device, rendering it unusable. If you're unsure about your adapter's model, you can typically find the information in the port it uses within your Zigbee interface. To check this:

  1. Open the Zigbee2MQTT frontend.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Select the Serial tab.

For example, if you're using the CC2652RB stick by slaesh, you'll need the CC2652RB firmware. Koenkk maintains a list of all tested adapters and their corresponding firmware on GitHub. Download the appropriate firmware file in a .zip format and extract it to a folder on your computer.

The image shows the “Serial” settings tab in the Zigbee2MQTT interface. The highlighted section displays the port configuration for a connected Zigbee adapter. The port field contains the path to the device, indicating it is a “Silicon Labs slaesh CC2652RB stick” connected via USB. The full port path is “/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_slaesh_cc2652rb_stick_-_slaesh_s_iot_stuff_00_12_4B_00_21_CC_4B_DF-if00-port0”. The top menu also includes other tabs such as Main, Advanced, Availability, Blocklist, External Converters, Frontend, Home Assistant Integration, MQTT, OTA Updates, and Passlist, with “Serial” being the active tab.

2. Prepare for the Firmware Update

Before updating, it's important to shut down Zigbee2MQTT to avoid any potential errors during the process. Here’s how to prepare your Zigbee adapter:

  1. Unplug the Zigbee adapter from its current host (such as your smart home hub) and connect it to your PC.
  2. If your adapter is enclosed in a case, remove it to access the buttons.
  3. Press and hold the boot button on the adapter while plugging it into your PC’s USB port.

3. Update the Firmware Using ZigStar GW Multi Tool

Now that your adapter is connected to your PC in boot mode, you're ready to proceed with the firmware update:

  1. Launch the ZigStar GW Multi Tool.
  2. Click the Refresh button to detect the connected Zigbee adapter. If multiple devices appear, use the device manager to identify the correct one.
  3. Select the .hex file you extracted earlier.
  4. Enable the Erase, Write, and Verify options. Don’t worry—erasing the firmware won’t affect your paired devices.
  5. Click Start to begin the update and monitor the progress bar.
The image shows the interface of the ZigStar GW Multi Tool, a software used for updating firmware on Zigbee adapters. The screen displays several options and settings. At the top, the connected port is labelled as “COM5”. The firmware file selected for updating is named “C1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20210218.hex”. Below the file name, there are three checkboxes selected: Erase, Write, and Verify. The interface also has buttons labelled “Read,” “Write,” and “Erase” under the NVRAM section. On the right side, there is a “Start” button to initiate the firmware update process. The progress bar at the bottom is currently at 0%. The screen is topped with an icon resembling Darth Vader's helmet, stylized with circuit-like lines.

4. Verify the New Firmware Installation

After the flashing process is complete, you can disconnect the adapter from your PC and reconnect it to your smart home hub. To confirm the update was successful:

  1. Re-launch Zigbee2MQTT.
  2. Open the Settings menu and navigate to the About tab.
  3. Check the Coordinator Revision field to confirm that the firmware version matches the one you installed.

This confirmation step ensures that the update was applied correctly and your Zigbee network is now running on the latest firmware.

The image shows the “About” section of the Zigbee2MQTT interface, which provides details about the current setup. The displayed information includes the Zigbee2MQTT version as 1.30.0 with a commit hash of 8f781db, the coordinator type listed as zStack3x0, and the coordinator revision dated 20221226. It also shows the Coordinator IEEE Address as 0x00124b0021cc4bdf and the frontend version as 0.6.124. The top menu includes other tabs labelled Settings, Tools, Raw, Translate, and Donate, with “About” being the active tab.


Keeping your Zigbee coordinator firmware up to date is crucial for maintaining a robust and efficient smart home network, especially as your setup expands. With the new Z-Stack firmware from Koenkk, users with large Zigbee networks can expect improved reliability and performance. Following the steps outlined in this guide will help you smoothly update your coordinator's firmware, ensuring your Zigbee network remains responsive and stable.

A portrait photo oif Liam Alexander Colman, the author, creator, and owner of Home Assistant Guide wearing a suit.

About Liam Alexander Colman

is an experienced Home Assistant user who has been utilizing the platform for a variety of projects over an extended period. His journey began with a Raspberry Pi, which quickly grew to three Raspberry Pis and eventually a full-fledged server. Liam's current operating system of choice is Unraid, with Home Assistant comfortably running in a Docker container.
With a deep understanding of the intricacies of Home Assistant, Liam has an impressive setup, consisting of various Zigbee devices, and seamless integrations with existing products such as his Android TV box. For those interested in learning more about Liam's experience with Home Assistant, he shares his insights on how he first started using the platform and his subsequent journey.

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