How to adjust the size of the home zone in Home Assistant

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A forest city where every building is built into the trees

Picture this: you nip across to your neighbour's for a natter or a pinch of sugar, and your trusty Home Assistant obstinately refuses to register your absence. It's convinced you're still ensconced within the cosy confines of your own pad. The root cause of this little mix-up? The overly generous radius that defines the default home zone. This capacious boundary, drawn with the best of intentions, unwittingly keeps your Home Assistant in the dark about your local jaunts, leaving you to ponder the fine line between digital convenience and geographical precision.


The liberty of the custom zone

Time to sort out this small snafu, don't you think? Indeed, custom zones in Home Assistant give you the freedom to casually adjust their radius with a mere drag. Regrettably, our cherished home zone proves to be less obliging. But chin up, I've got a brilliant solution up my sleeve.

A screenshot of the Home Assistant Dashboard showing a custom zone on a map.
Only custom zones can be resized

How can I resize the home zone in Home Assistant?

You'll need to venture into the labyrinth of Home Assistant settings, where you must go on a hunt for the elusive “Customizations” option. Buried there, you'll unearth the entity zone.home. Your mission, should you decide to take it on, is to tweak the value within the “Radius” field. Feel free to fiddle with the numbers until your home zone fits like a glove. And just like that, you've cracked it!

A screenshot of the Home Assistant Dashboard showing the home zone being adjusted.
Change the zone.home radius by customizing the entity
A portrait photo oif Liam Alexander Colman, the author, creator, and owner of Home Assistant Guide wearing a suit.

About Liam Alexander Colman

is an experienced Home Assistant user who has been utilizing the platform for a variety of projects over an extended period. His journey began with a Raspberry Pi, which quickly grew to three Raspberry Pis and eventually a full-fledged server. Liam's current operating system of choice is Unraid, with Home Assistant comfortably running in a Docker container.
With a deep understanding of the intricacies of Home Assistant, Liam has an impressive setup, consisting of various Zigbee devices, and seamless integrations with existing products such as his Android TV box. For those interested in learning more about Liam's experience with Home Assistant, he shares his insights on how he first started using the platform and his subsequent journey.

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