You can now integrate your Prusa MINI/MINI+ with Home Assistant

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A Prusa Mini 3D printer.

The use of 3D printers has become increasingly popular among makers and DIY enthusiasts. With the release of Firmware 4.4.0 for the Original Prusa MINI/MINI+, there is a new opportunity for integration with Home Assistant through PrusaLink, challenging OctoPrint's position as the preferred 3D printer management software.


PrusaLink is a network printing interface designed to facilitate remote management of Prusa 3D printers. It acts as an alternative to traditional 3D printer interfaces like OctoPrint, offering users the ability to monitor and control their printers over a network without the need for more complex setups that involve components like Raspberry Pis. PrusaLink achieves this by connecting the printer directly to the home network, or by using the simple and cheap ESP-01 or ESP-01S Wi-Fi module. This interface enables streamlined printing operations, easier access to the printer’s status, and the convenience of managing print jobs remotely through its dedicated web interface. Additionally, PrusaLink's open API allows an integration with systems like Home Assistant, enhancing the overall user experience and efficiency of 3D printing projects.

Prusa Connect is a cloud solution designed to manage and monitor 3D printers like the Prusa XL and Prusa MK4. It is more robust and feature-rich compared to PrusaLink. Prusa Connect provides advanced functionalities such as detailed analytics, comprehensive fleet management, and PrusaSlicer Integration. In contrast, PrusaLink is tailored for consumer-grade printers like the Prusa MINI and MINI+ and focuses on simplifying home usage. It offers basic network printing capabilities, remote monitoring, and easy integration with home automation systems like Home Assistant, making it ideal for personal and hobbyist applications. The key difference lies in their target audience and the scale of operations they are designed to support, with Prusa Connect being suited for industrial applications and PrusaLink aimed at individual users and small setups.

PrusaLink offers a viable alternative to OctoPrint, particularly with the current scarcity of Raspberry Pis. This software eliminates the need for these hard-to-find components by allowing for integration with an ESP-01 or the recommended ESP-01S. This integration not only simplifies the setup process but also improves the connectivity of the Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ with your home network, leading to a more efficient 3D printing experience.

Transitioning to PrusaLink could streamline how enthusiasts manage their 3D printers with Home Assistant, setting the stage for a more simplified and reliable setup.

3D printers transcend their role as mere novelty item producers; they are crucial tools for many, especially DIY electronics enthusiasts. These devices act as indispensable assistants that reliably support the creative process. Here's owning a 3D-printer is beneficial for Home Assistant enthusiasts:

Integrating PrusaLink with Home Assistant not only streamlines the management of these 3D printing capabilities but also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of home-based projects. This integration proves essential for anyone looking to optimize their DIY electronics setup, providing a seamless, cost-effective, and highly productive environment.

Most of Prusa Research's recent FDM 3D printers are compatible with both PrusaLink and Prusa Connect. However, certain models face limitations due to insufficient computational power or network capabilities in the printer's MCU (Microcontroller Unit). Specifically, owners of the Original Prusa i3 MK3/S/+ and Original Prusa i3 MK2.5/S need to integrate a Raspberry Pi to utilize these features effectively. Meanwhile, the MINI and MINI+ models require an ESP-01 or ESP-01S Wi-Fi module for connectivity.

On the other hand, Prusa Research's SLA (Stereolithography) printers, namely the Original Prusa SL1S SPEED and Original Prusa SL1, exclusively support PrusaLink. These SLA models do not have compatibility with Prusa Connect, reflecting a more focused use-case compared to their FDM counterparts.

Prusa Research 3D-Printers and Home Assistant: A Match Made in Heaven

Prusa Research and Home Assistant both champion the open-source model through their approaches to software and hardware, fostering a community-driven development ecosystem that emphasizes transparency, user empowerment, and collaboration.

Open-Source Software: Prusa Research and Home Assistant offer robust open-source software platforms that are publicly available for users to modify, enhance, and adapt. Prusa Research provides open access to its 3D printer firmware and PrusaSlicer, inviting community contributions and modifications. Similarly, Home Assistant’s core automation platform is developed and refined by a global community of contributors who continually enhance its functionality to support an extensive range of devices and services.

Open-Source Hardware: Prusa Research's commitment extends into hardware, with several of its 3D printer designs available under an open-source licence. This not only promotes a culture of innovation and continuous improvement among hardware enthusiasts but also supports a thriving ecosystem of third-party modifications and enhancements. While Home Assistant is predominantly software-focused, it supports hardware initiatives like ESPHome and OpenZWave, which facilitate the integration of DIY and open-standard commercial hardware into home automation setups.

Community and Education: Both Prusa Research and Home Assistant heavily invest in community engagement and educational resources. Prusa Research offers detailed manuals and a knowledge base for 3D printing enthusiasts, whereas Home Assistant provides comprehensive documentation and tutorials to assist users in setting up and customizing their home automation systems. These resources, combined with active forums and discussion channels, allow users to share insights, troubleshoot issues, and collaborate on projects.

A portrait photo oif Liam Alexander Colman, the author, creator, and owner of Home Assistant Guide wearing a suit.

About Liam Alexander Colman

is an experienced Home Assistant user who has been utilizing the platform for a variety of projects over an extended period. His journey began with a Raspberry Pi, which quickly grew to three Raspberry Pis and eventually a full-fledged server. Liam's current operating system of choice is Unraid, with Home Assistant comfortably running in a Docker container.
With a deep understanding of the intricacies of Home Assistant, Liam has an impressive setup, consisting of various Zigbee devices, and seamless integrations with existing products such as his Android TV box. For those interested in learning more about Liam's experience with Home Assistant, he shares his insights on how he first started using the platform and his subsequent journey.

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